Rob Bridgett / Sound for Games

Hello! I’m Rob, an ambitious and cheerful leader helping teams to craft the most exciting experiences in video games.

Currently: Senior Manager, Sound @ PlayStation

Previously: Senior Audio Director @ Square Enix, Activision Blizzard, Vivendi Games.

As an audio director, I am always excited to discover the ludic and emotional heart of a project. At the same time, I am driven to improve the work of my teams by focussing on collaborative culture, frictionless tooling, clear communication, integrated audio roadmapping and onscreen reviews. Above all, creating and protecting the time for audio teams, at all scales, to do their best work.

View Full Resume →

As a sound designer and mixer, my work is focussed on delivering clarity, emotional impact and spectacle, as well as embracing new technologies like Dolby Atmos.

Listen to some examples here →

My latest books about working in game sound are published by Routledge / Focal Press, and are available here…

Leading with Sound (2021) →

Working with Sound (2023) →

I am a frequent speaker at GDC, AES, Develop, GameSoundCon, The School of Sound, & Den Danske Filmskole, as well as contributing to conversations and advocacy for better sound practices through podcasts and other media.

View the Audio Keynote at Develop (2019) →

An Interview with Dolby Institute (2022) →

Resolution Magazine Interview →

In conversation with Randi Zuckerberg on game audio →

School of Sound, London Residency (2024) →

Blog at